Yokogawa Electric Corporation announces that Yokogawa Poland has completed installation of the FuzEvent™ combustion control solution at a waste-to-energy (WtE) plant operated by Krakowski Holding Komunalny SA in Krakow, Poland. FuzEvent was developed by Dublix Technology ApS (headquarters: Gentofte, Denmark, CEO: Asger Danielsen, hereinafter, “Dublix”), a Yokogawa subsidiary specializing in solutions that improve the efficiency of plants that burn municipal waste and biomass to generate electricity and provide steam for district heating.
Yokogawa Electric Corporation (TOKYO: 6841) has 24.5.2022 acquired all shares of Dublix Technology ApS. The addition of Dublix's combustion control and boiler performance enhancement solutions to Yokogawa's lineup of control, monitoring, and maintenance systems will enable the provision of solutions that make both WTE and biomass power plants more efficient and profitable. Targeting the global WTE and biomass combustion market, Yokogawa provides integrated production control system, data measurement, and facility maintenance solutions.
There is an increasing demand of North American WtE plants to optimize emissions, availability and performance. Many technologies developed in Europe in the last years for optimizing existing plants are not yet implemented at the important North American fleet of existing plants. An example for that is water-jet washing of the open passes. This technology allows to clean the open boiler passes (typically first, second and third pass). The result is improved heat transfer and reduced flue gas temperatures at the convective boiler passes and superheaters.
该垃圾处理厂位于中国绵阳市三台县,日处理量为1000吨。Dublix提供了DD-Jet系统用于清洗锅炉的第三道,该系统以喷射水为冷却介质,具有安全可靠的冷却功能。 DD-Jet系统在绵阳工厂的调试工作现已成功完成。该系统将由控制室控制,完全自动运行。预计将于2021年8月投入运行。 有关该机器的进一步细节,请看视频链接:  
预计于2020年在慕尼黑举办的国际废物技术展览会IFAT取消了。请在2022年5月30日至6月的下届IFAT展会上参观我们的展位。 https://www.ifat.de/en/
Dublix用于优化废物转化能源方面的工程解决方案将在马尔默灯塔会议上发布。 报告内容请参见以下链接: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1kjsB1rDFP2EYWcfjFwuXbIhpdXluWVQX    
      Dublix于2019年6月在新的ISO 45001 OH&S(职业健康与安全)管理系统中成功获得认证。
在维也纳举行的国际IRRC会议上,将发表关于“提高现有废物能源工厂性能的工程解决办法”的报告。 智能解决方案有能力提高垃圾焚烧或废物转化能源工厂(WtE)的性能。本文的重点放在现有的1600多废物能源工厂上,这些WtE有时使用非常陈旧甚至过时的设备。该操作允许从混合的城市垃圾中产生相应数量的电力和热量。目前每年处理2亿多吨废物的能力受到挑战。