Achieved: 5 % increase in plant capacity equal to 4.000 ton more treated waste per year, 98 % automatic combustion control on FuzEvent
IVOO, Oostende, is a Belgian WtE plant
In 2011 Dublix Engineering delivered an optimization project to the Belgian Waste to Energy plant IVOO (Intergemeentelijke Vereniging voor het afvalbeheer voor Oostende en Ommeland) located in the city Oostende.
Link to case study from the plant.
The IVOO plant operates two combustion lines based on the Seghers combustion grate. Each line has an hourly capacity of around 4-5 tons of waste, daily approx. 100 tons/line, each producing 13 tons/h steam of 360°C, 36 bar. The aim for the optimization project was to improve the combustion stability and thereby increase the overall capacity of the plant.
The optimization project has been based on a feasibility study carried out by Dublix Engineering in order to define the possibilities (and guarantees) to increase the combustion capacity on the plant, the new FuzEvent optimization project was fully implemented within 6 months after the order.
A strong position for Dublix Engineering in Belgium
The new installation with the FuzEvent system was the fourth installation in a WtE plant in Belgium.
The optimization project provided 5 % increased combustion capacity equal to an annual increase of 4.000 ton treated waste.
The first Seghers combustion grate equipped with the FuzEvent System
The FuzEvent system is the first installation on a combustion system based on the Keppel Seghers combustion grate.
Dublix has delivered ongoing service since 2012 covered under a service contract, providing upgrades to the combustion operation and training of operators when needed.